Transit Oriented Development: The Future of Jakarta

Posted on : The Jakarta Post, 24 March 2018
(Certified Property Valuer & Real Estate Analyst at Amin, Nirwan, Alfiantori & Partners Valuation Firm)

According to a report from the United Nations, the world population growth is expected to touch 6.3 billion in 2030, of which 94% of the figure is contributed by developing countries including Indonesia. While there is an estimation of about 828 million people in developing countries will live in slums and live in homes that are unfit for habitation. This indicates that there are still many people who do not have the ability to have a decent and affordable home. Therefore, it becomes a logical consequence for our country, to control the problem of housing needs with an appropriate and effective approach. One of the solutions used in the context of housing needs is the procurement of affordable housing. (more…)


21st Asean Valuers Association Congress – Yogyakarta, Indonesia – 26 December 2018
Prepared by: HARIZUL AKBAR NAZWAR, B.Eng., M.Ec.Dev., MAPPI (Cert.)
(Certified Property Valuer & Real Estate Analyst at Amin, Nirwan, Alfiantori & Partners Valuation Firm)


 Jakarta’s massive economic growth has caused many people to urbanizing with economic motives, either investment or job seeking, resulted massive urbanization and urban agglomeration. Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) as a business center and state’s capital has experienced a population growth of 1.3 times over the period 2000 – 2010 with an average population growth of 2.8% per year which has a total population of 31 million people. This trend led to some serious problems, which are housing backlog, urban sprawl, and traffic congestion. (more…)

Property Market Review: From Commodity to Infrastructure Driven

Posted on : Bisnis Indonesia, 19 February 2019
(Certified Property Valuer & Real Estate Analyst at Amin, Nirwan, Alfiantori & Partners Valuation Firm)

A new era of the Indonesian property market began in the 1980s as seen in the development of new towns during the period between 1985 until the 2000s, such as Lippo Karawaci, Gading Serpong, Bumi Serpong Damai in Tangerang and Kota Legenda in Bekasi, east of the capital.

The new towns triggered the property market in the Greater Jakarta as an alternative for most of the middle and lower middle-class. Within a relatively short period the new town development managed to enter the market boom cycle due to soaring demand levels. (more…)

Menakar Dampak Tax Amnesty Terhadap pasar Properti

Posted on : Majalah Properti Indonesia, October 2017
(Certified Property Valuer & Real Estate Analyst at Amin, Nirwan, Alfiantori & Partners Valuation Firm)

Tidak terasa program Tax Amnesty yang diawal di ragukan akan berhasil dan memenuhi target telah selesai dijalankan dan mendulang beberapa catatan manis. Pertama kali kebijakan Tax Amnesty digulirkan oleh Pemerintah adalah tertanggal 23 Agustus 2016 seiring telah di-undangkannya UU Pengampunan Pajak. Secara resmi, definisi pengampunan pajak adalah penghapusan pajak yang seharusnya terutang, tidak dikenai sanksi administrasi perpajakan dan sanksi pidana di bidang perpajakan, dengan cara mengungkap harta dan membayar uang tebusan sebagaimana diatur dalam UU No. 11 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pengampunan Pajak. Kebijakan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa sebab. Salah satunya adalah minimnya ruang fiscal Indonesia khususnya untuk proyek-proyek pembangunan infrastruktur. Presiden Jokowi yang dari awal memiliki visi misi didalam pemerintahannya yang dikenal dengan ‘Nawacita’ dimana salah satu poin nya adalah membangun dan mempercepat pembangunan infrastruktur tentu tidak bisa tinggal diam dalam menghadapi persoalan fiskal tersebut. (more…)

Land Banking : Solution for Agrarian Reforms

Posted on : The Jakarta Post, 22 December 2017
(Certified Property Valuer & Real Estate Analyst at Amin, Nirwan, Alfiantori & Partners Valuation Firm)

Housing backlog in Indonesia is relatively high. According to the Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing, the housing backlog in Indonesia has reached 13.5 million units. This figure indicates that there are 13.5 million families that have no living place and/or permanent living place. Even the latest data from Perumnas stated that there is an increase in housing needs of about 800,000 units each year, caused by population growth and urbanization. On the other hand, the supply of houses that can be met in the residential class segment for low-income communities (MBR) is only 400,000 units per year, with a gap of 400,000 units per year. According to the data taken from Central Bureau Statistics, DKI Jakarta is the province with one of the lowest home ownership rate of 51.09%. (more…)

Co-Working Space : Kelas Baru Pasar Real Estat

Posted on : Bisnis Indonesia, 20 July 2018
(Certified Property Valuer & Real Estate Analyst at Amin, Nirwan, Alfiantori & Partners Valuation Firm)

Selama tiga dekade terakhir, terdapat banyak perubahan terhadap ruang kerja dan gaya bekerja seseorang. Perubahan ini paling banyak diakibatkan karena perkembangan teknologi yang semakin lama semakin cepat. Pada tahun 1985 Apple “Mac” diperkenalkan, Microsoft Excel diluncurkan, dan situs website “.com” pertama kali teregistrasi di dunia. Sejak saat itu pula perubahan kebutuhan kerja menjadi semakin cepat. Mesin tik digantikan komputer, mesin fax digantikan printer canggih, bahkan, ruang meeting yang serba besar mampu digantikan dengan ruang teleconference. Dengan hanya bermodal monitor, kamera, dan akses internet kita bisa berkomunikasi secara langsung dengan orang lain tanpa batasan jarak, dari ujung barat ke ujung timur, dari tempat yang berada paling utara, ke paling selatan. (more…)

Bank Tanah dan Reforma Agraria

Posted on : Bisnis Indonesia, 21 December 2017
(Certified Property Valuer & Real Estate Analyst at Amin, Nirwan, Alfiantori & Partners Valuation Firm)

Angka kekurangan (backlog) rumah di Indonesia tergolong tinggi. Menurut Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, tercatat hingga saat ini backlog perumahan di Indonesia mencapai angka 13,5 juta unit rumah. Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 13,5 juta kelurga yang tidak memiliki hunian dan/atau hunian tetap. Bahkan data terbaru dari Perumnas menyebutkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kebutuhan rumah sekitar 800.000 unit setiap tahun yang diakibatkan dari pertumbuhan penduduk dan urbanisasi. Disisi lain, supply rumah yang mampu dipenuhi pada segmen kelas perumahan untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR) hanya 400.000 unit setiap tahunnya, dimana terdapat gap sebanyak 400.000 unit setiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan data dari BPS, DKI Jakarta adalah provinsi yang memiliki tingkat home ownership rate terendah yaitu hanya sebesar 51,09% kemudian Kepulauan Riau sebesar 67,67%. (more…)