KJPP AMIN NIRWAN ALFIANTORI DAN REKAN is a Public Appraisal Firm with over 13 years of presence in Indonesia and 25 Public Appraisers as Partners of KJPP ANA. Our expert appraisers are located across Indonesia and registered in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. KJPP ANA dan Rekan is very experienced in various appraisal/valuation services, including asset valuation and stock valuation for various purposes in many business sectors.

Throughout our history, we have provided services to many institutions and companies. We have also partnered with several banks, including State-Owned Banks, Private National Banks, Joint Banks and Regional Development Banks. Additionally, we have partnered with State-Owned Enterprises and Government Institutions and Agencies. We are registered in Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Services Authority) for activities in Capital Market and Non-Bank Finance Industry. In accordance with Law Number 2 Year 2012, we are also registered in the National Land Agency for all Indonesian territories.

With our experienced human resources and our presence in almost all areas of Indonesia, we believe that we are able to provide the best services to ensure the success of our clients. Contact us at our Head Office or at our branches.

KJPP ANA & Rekan
Ir. Nirwan Lioga, MAPPI (CERT.)
Managing Partner


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