Real Estate Today: The Emergence of Digital Transformation

Posted On : The Jakarta Post, 11 July 2019
Harizul Akbar Nazwar, B.Eng., M.Ec.Dev., MAPPI (Cert.)

Talking about transformation, means talking about change. Today’s modern world is heavily influenced by change. This is proven by the occurrence of radical changes from various sectors, ranging from politics, economics, to cultures all over the world. Changes that occur nowadays are very much influenced and shaped by technology.
There are three reasons why the current transformation is not only a continuation of the Industrial Revolution 3.0, but rather represents the presence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which indicates radical changes: velocity, scope and systems impact. When compared to the previous industrial revolution, the 4.0 had no historical precedent, developed at an exponential pace and with high volatility.
An Ernest & Young survey shows 74% of participants from various industry respond, disruptive competition is the most significant challenge that must be face by the industry today, far above the concern of global economy uncertainty which is only 16%. The survey results clearly show that today’s industry is very attentive to the intense competition influenced by the role of digital technology. (more…)